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You can choose from; My PDF Resume, My Various Academic Documents, and My Courses.
I update my résumé from time to time. If you'd ever like to ensure that you have the most recent version of my résumé, come to this page.
When I update it offline, I change the file hosted on my website, and accessible here, to match those updates.
If you'd like far more in-depth, practical, situational examples of my work in People Operations, I highly recommend browsing through my
"Google Sheet of People Ops Experience" by clicking here. You can use the tabs at the bottom to view categories of work you're interested in.
If you're looking for a simple list of the People Operations expertise that I have, that's on the My Capabilities page.
It was always a goal of mine to study at least as far as completing the Master's level. Perhaps in the distant future, if I'm inspired to, I'll do another Master's, in a different field. It's nice that the option is there. I'm truly honored to have completed the one I have at an educational institution as prestigious as The University of Cape Town, and to have been able to interact with such knowledgeable academics in my Department.
Feel free to visit my ResearchGate profile here.
I thoroughly enjoy learning, and expanding my knowledge, not just in my main field of People Ops, but generally, across other areas, as well.
As such, I sometimes complete courses.
I'll add them here as and when I graduate from them, to give you an idea of how I'm continuing, in a theoretical sense, to grow over the years,
in conjunction with my growth in a practical sense, in the roles in which I serve.
Doing both in tandem are what, I believe, keeps me up-to-date with ever-changing industry trends, methodologies which are updated over time,
and help me to bring the best to any team I'm part of.
If you'd like to reach out to me, you can do so via the contact details on this page.