• Videos


Want to jump to a specific section of this page?
You can choose from; The Welcome Video, The Video Playlist Summary, My People Operations Career Summary, My Soft and Hard Skills, and
My Values and Personality.


Welcome to My Website! 👋🏻



Text only serves so much of a purpose.
Adding video and my voice adds personalism! 🙂

As such, I made this series of videos (in late September 2024) to introduce myself, and to summarize my career and who I am as a person.

This first video is an introduction, and welcome to
my website.

If you'd like to watch the playlist on my YouTube channel,
you can do so by clicking here.


Video Playlist Summary 📹





This second video summarizes the content that this series of videos covers.


Career Summary & People Ops Experience 🗃️




This third video provides you with a summary of my career. It walks you through my career trajectory from the days of my studies, right through my most recently held role. It also provides you with insights into the various spheres of People Operations with which I have experience.


My Soft and Hard Skills & Tech Platform Proficiencies 🖥️





In this fourth video, you can learn about my various main hard and soft skills, as well as some of the tech apps I've used throughout the course of my career
(and in my personal life) thus far.


My Values, Personality, Motivators, & Hobbies 😊



This fifth and final video is extremely valuable in terms of learning more about me, so if you watch just one,
watch this one! 

It walks you through an overview of who I am as a person. I talk about my core values, my personality, my motivators, my interests, my loves, and my hobbies.

This will give you a really good sense of the kind of person I am, and what drives me in life. Short of meeting up with me in person, this is the best sense of me that you'll get.

If you'd like to reach out to me, you can do so via the contact details on this page.